Saturday Schedule:
8:30: Douglas Freeman Harmony in Motion, small non mixed
9:00: Kecoughtan Touch of Jade, medium non mixed
9:30: Mechanicsville New Horizons, medium non mixed
10:00: James River Anything Goes, medium non mixed
10:30: Thomas Dale Knightingales, medium non mixed
11:00: Amherst Belles of Amherst, small non mixed
11:30: Kilgore Gifted Center, large Mixed
12:30: Matoaca High Impact, large mixed
1:00: Hanover Sound FX, medium mixed
1:30: Scranton First Edition, medium mixed
2:00: Hillsborough Legacy, medium mixed
2:30: Poquoson Evolution, medium mixed
3:00: Powhatan Resonance, medium mixed
3:45: Kecoughtan Harbor Lights, medium mixed
4:15: Mechanicsville Madz, medium mixed
4:45: Thomas Dale Knight Scene, medium mixed
5:15: Amherst Amherechos, small mixed
5:45: James River Current Edition, small mixed
6:15: Cosby Rhapsody
6:45: Prelim Awards
8:00: Finals
10:30: Cosby Spotlight
Prelim placement results are posted and partial captions. The stream was a bit rough and cut out in the midst of the awards ceremony. If folks can help fill in additional captions and finalists that'd be most appreciated.