Thank you to everyone who was a part of our event this year - whether spectator, performer, director, livestream watcher, band member, etc. we are thankful you chose to spend your day at Chesterton!
10th Street with a full caption sweep at one of the premier regional contests this season. Linn-Mar certainly won their 17th straight GC in style. Really great sportsmanship from all the students cheering each other on there at the end. Kudos to Chesterton for being host and allowing so much magic to happen.
I've been working like a mad man this evening on SCC, but caught (most) of Carmel's performance and just stunning. What a vocal punch. They seem very capable of having a run this season like CG did last year. Can't wait to watch it again. I had been toying around with an El Dorado theme show and I am promptly balling that up and throwing it in the trash.
It's very cool when regional competitions like this can host such outstanding talent. What a treat for the host community, the audience, and all the show choir students to get to meet folks from all over the show choir community.
Unbelievable competition today! Can't wait for finals.
Everyone was awesome, but shoutout to Carroll for having such an immensely entertaining show.
Second shoutout to Westfield - I was incredibly impressed when I saw them last year at Franklin Central and watching them again today was equally as impressive. They continue to be a group to watch out for and I can't wait to see where they go in the future.
Livestreams for both venues today can be found:
Our judges are as follows:
Tori Brindis - Visual
Marah Cover - Clinic
Jeff Gemar - - Vocal
Chantz Gould - Outstanding Performer
Susan Moninger - Vocal
Randy Sage - Clinic
Brook Smolder - Visual
Scott Thorne - Vocal
Heath Gemar - Visual
Meg Gemar - Outstanding Performer
Cameron Johnson - Vocal
Ellie Jordan - Visual
Jeff Jordan - Clinic
JJ Jones - Clinic
Brian McCallister - Vocal
Connie Mulligan - Vocal
$20 All Day Wristband Includes Access to performances in Both Venues!
is there gonna be the YouTube livestream for this comp like there usually is? Wanted to watch and stuff this competition is VERY STACKED. If anyone knows lmk please
Only asking because there’s 2 different venues based on times I see on here, so I thought I would ask.
Fieldhouse schedule (small divisions and middle school) is posted.
1:15 - single clef awards in auditorium (treble division and single clef tier II)
6:20 - middle school and mixed tier II/tier III awards in field house
7:20 - single clef finals begin (three groups, 30 minute time slots)
8:50 - mixed finals begin (five groups, 30 minute time slots)
11:20(ish) - final awards in auditorium