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 Show Choir Community    Events    2025 Season    Chesterton Trojan Classic 2025
Event Info

February 15th, 2025
Venue Info
Chesterton High School
2125 South 11th Street
Chesterton, IN 46304
Phone: (219) 983-3730
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
16 Mixed Groups
12 Treble Groups
1 Bass Group
3 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Chesterton "Sandpipers"
Chesterton "Drifters"
Event Judges:
Tori Brindis
Marah Cover
Jeff Gemar
Heath Gemar
Cameron Johnson-Weiler
Jacob Jay Jones
Ellie Jordan
Jeff Jordan
Brian McCallister
Susan Moninger
Connie Mulligan
Randy Sage
Brooke Smolder
Scott Thorne
$20 All-Day Pass
Chesterton Trojan Classic 2025

Event Site
Live Stream

10th Street Edition
Linn-Mar High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band

Carmel High School
First Runner Up

Carroll High School
Second Runner Up

Brandon High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Costumes

Millard North High School
4th Runner Up

Finals - Tier II

In Step
Linn-Mar High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Band Band (Tier II)

Danville High School
First Runner Up

Millard North High School
Second Runner Up
Best Costumes

Pike High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Band (Tier III)
Best Costumes

Bloomington Expressive Arts Training (BEAT)
4th Runner Up

Single Clef Finals

Carmel High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Costumes

Millard North High School
First Runner Up
Best Band

Les Femmes
Mt. Zion High School
Second Runner Up

Single Clef Finals - Tier II

Pike High School
Grand Champion
Best Choreography
Band Band (Tier II)
Best Costumes

Danville High School
First Runner Up
Best Vocals

Mac Melody
Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School
Second Runner Up
Best Band (Tier III)

Mixed Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Mixed Division - Tier III (Prelims) Show
Treble Division - Tier II (Prelims) Show
Treble Division - Tier III

Mac Melody
Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School
First Place
Best Band

Knight Stars
Norwell High School
Second Place

Columbus East High School
Third Place
Best Costumes

Division Judges: 
Cameron Johnson-Weiler (vocals), Brian McCallister (vocals), Connie Mulligan (vocals), Heath Gemar (visuals), Ellie Jordan (visuals), Jacob Jay Jones (clinician), and Jeff Jordan (clinician)
Single Clef Division - Tier I (Prelims) Show
Middle School Division

Brandon Middle School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography

Bloomington Expressive Arts Training (BEAT)
Second Place

Brandon Middle School
Third Place
Best Costumes

Knight Sounds
Norwell Middle School
4th Place

Division Judges: 
Cameron Johnson-Weiler (vocals), Brian McCallister (vocals), Connie Mulligan (vocals), Heath Gemar (visuals), Ellie Jordan (visuals), Jacob Jay Jones (clinician), and Jeff Jordan (clinician)
Attending Members displaying 6 of 60 members (view all)
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WrenTop10 on Feb 11, 2025, 12:01 AM
Post #42
I talk about this competition in a new episode of Midwest Sound if anyone wants to check it out


Number1 on Feb 10, 2025, 6:38 PM
Post #41
Weather doesn't sound very promising for travel this Friday and Saturday. Fingers crossed its not as bad as expected and safe travels for everyone!


Prediction Machine on Jan 16, 2025, 1:23 PM
Post #40

GC: Linn-Mar 10th Street Edition (Sweep)
1st RU: Carmel Ambassadors
2nd RU: Brandon Brio
3rd RU: Wheaton North Flight
4th RU: Mt. Zion Swingsations
5th RU: Millard North Infinity

Although I could see Ambassadors taking Best Vocals, I am sure Linn-Mar 10th Street Edition will take Choreography. Last year at Chesterton, Carmel Ambassadors lost Choreography to both Brandon Brio and Marysville Swingers Unlimited while still winning the competition, which shows Carmel's strength in their vocal talents. I am unsure of any placements below 2nd RU but am excited to see how this competition plays out.


001 on Jan 14, 2025, 1:57 AM (Edited)
Post #22
i'm sorry for my comment, i didnt mean it at all, and all show choirs are really good


showchoir313 on Jan 14, 2025, 2:53 AM (Edited)
Post #23
you may have not meant anything by it, but this comment could be taken the wrong way

vadiakri000 on Jan 14, 2025, 11:01 AM
Post #24
Sort of a weird comment. I doubt anyone will get “destroyed”; they’re both world-class programs!


001 on Jan 14, 2025, 12:46 PM (Edited)
Post #25
it is really up to the judges, im sorry


001 on Jan 14, 2025, 12:48 PM (Edited)
Post #26


Number1 on Jan 14, 2025, 6:02 PM
Post #27
It's fine you have confidence in 10th street with good reason but your original comment was a tad bit cocky. Especially going to a heavy traditional show choir state against good competition. When any competition is scored by judges you can never be too confident.


001 on Jan 14, 2025, 8:49 PM (Edited)
Post #28
i agree


scenthusiast on Jan 14, 2025, 9:32 PM
Post #30
bro shut up oh my god???? you did not just admit to being cocky this is why people hate on linnmar

S on Jan 14, 2025, 9:34 PM
Post #33
No one is hating on Linn-Mar or any other group. Your comment was inappropriate and embarrassing. No matter how good you think you are you are never more deserving than anyone else in any other group. Assuming your group is going to make finals when there are many amazing groups attending the competition is very out of line and posting that publicly is making you look bad. You are not apart of 10th street and you can’t speak for them or their show. I’ve been apart of Linn-Mars show choir program for 4 years and I would still never say that our “reputation” will get us anywhere. There is no advantage to having people know about your group other than getting to share our show and story. In the end it doesn’t matter what happens at the competition, we don’t preform so we can get a trophy, or a metal, or posting on instagram that your team won another competition. We preform because we love the sport and preforming our shows. You need to think about what you post on here and how it makes us all look.


Number1 on Jan 14, 2025, 9:46 PM
Post #35
There is also being supportive of all the groups performing and winning or losing with class. People sometimes resent teams who win a lot. If your arrogant on top of that all your doing is putting a target on your back and a bad reputation which is the opposite of what the directors and parents want.


001 on Jan 14, 2025, 9:48 PM
Post #36
i'm sorry for being cocky, i just wanted to make some predictions and it didnt go as well. and yes, i know linn-mar enjoys the sport, and other groups are just as talented. carmel's show choir is super talented, and they are super good as well. please stop hating on linn-mar, i didn't expect it to go so far, and all groups are just as good as anybody else, and each individual group has their own talents, and it'll truly just come to what the judges think on the final verdict.
i posted it stupidly, and take all the blame for it. i didn't mean to make any group look bad at all, and all groups are very talented.
i'm sorry for any controversy caused because of me and feel free to blame me for anything, and also feel free to trash talk me.


001 on Jan 15, 2025, 11:40 AM
Post #38
i agree with you and i'm sorry


001 on Jan 15, 2025, 11:41 AM
Post #39
i'm sorry

SWINGS.EP on Jan 14, 2025, 11:35 PM (Edited)
Post #37
Tier 1 Performance Schedule:

8:00 am: Mt. Zion "You've Got Male"
8:30 am: Northrop "Allure"
9:00 am: Brandon "Bellas"
9:30 am: Carroll "Select Sound"
10:00 am: Westfield "Illumination"
*Judges Break*
10:45 am: Linn-Mar "Hi-Style"
11:15 am: Mt. Zion "Les Femmes"
11:45 am: Millard North "Illumination"
12:15 pm: Carmel "Accents"

12:45 pm: Chesterton "Drifters" (exh.)
1:15 pm: Treble/Bass Awards & Finalist Announcement

Mixed Tier 1
1:45 pm: Carroll "Magic"
2:15 pm: Northrop "Charisma"
2:45 pm: Millard North "Infinity"
3:15 pm: Linn-Mar "10th Street Ed."
3:45 pm: Mt. Zion "Swingsations"
4:15 pm: Brandon "Brio"
4:45 pm: Carmel "Ambassadors"

5:15 pm: Chesterton "Sandpipers" (exh.)
6:20 pm: MS and Mixed Division Awards

7:20 pm: Treble/Bass Finalist #1
7:50 pm: Treble/Bass Finalist #2
8:20 pm: Treble/Bass Finalist #3
8:50 pm: Mixed Finalist #1
9:20 pm: Mixed Finalist #2
9:50 pm: Mixed Finalist #3
10:20 pm: Mixed Finalist #4
10:50 pm: Mixed Finalist #5

*Final Awards Immediately Following Last Performance*

stevesing85 on Jan 10, 2025, 1:59 AM
Post #21
Judging panel are SCA alum. AND im here for it!! Lol


TobiasBach on Dec 20, 2024, 2:06 AM
Post #15
GC: Carmel (V)
1RU: Linn-mar (C)
2RU: Brandon
3RU: Mt Zion
4RU: Millard North
I have a friend of mine that just saw Linn-mar's preview night and I can tentatively say that the reign of 10th street is over. Yes I have confidence that they will improve in the next month but allegedly, Linn-mar has no ballad! You better believe that Carmel is going to bring out the big guns on their ballad and I think this time Carmel's vocals are going to overpower 10th street's amazing choreography. But only time will tell. Wishing luck to all choirs who compete at Chesterton this season!

BIG CHUNGUS on Dec 20, 2024, 2:21 PM
Post #16
Linn-Mar is truly remarkable for competing at the highest level without a ballad. It sounds like they're revolutionizing show choir as we speak. Just imagine if they did add a ballad before this competition... it would almost seem unfair to the other choirs attending.


TobiasBach on Dec 20, 2024, 5:56 PM
Post #17
I completely agree with you that Linn-Mar has perfected the story-show genre of show choir but it is important to keep in mind that Carmel is new competition to Linn-mar. I guess we will have to see.


TGCoffee2021 on Jan 1, 2025, 12:43 AM
Post #20
I attended the preview show in December. 10th Street does have a ballad. It included choreography so it may have passed some people by as not a ballad but their show does include a ballad. I would also say their vocal quality and sound while doing the choreography they do while singing throughout the show is amazing!

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