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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Gerald Kreitzer

Gerald Kreitzer
Dr. Kreitzer is Director of Music Activities at Mount Mercy University, and Artistic Director of the Cedar Rapids Concert Chorale in Cedar Rapids, IA. He earned his D.M.A. in Choral Conducting at the University of Iowa where he studied conducting with Don V Moses and James Dixon. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts and Masters in Music degrees from the University of South Dakota. At Mount Mercy he directs the University Choir, Jazz Connection, Madrigal Singers, initiated the University Band, and organizes the Summer Academy which features the Five Seasons Chamber Festival, the Cedar Brass Festival, an All-State Choral Workshop and offerings for music educators. He has also taught Introduction to Music class, Music History, and Elementary Music Methods for the Classroom Teacher.

Dr. Kreitzer spent 22 years as Director of Choral Music at George Washington High School, where he directed the Concert Choir, Madrigal Singers, Washington Men’s and Women’s Choruses, the show ensemble Momentum, was the musical director of Musical Theater productions, and was Director of Orchestra at Washington High School in 2012-13. Before his tenure at George Washington High School, Dr. Kreitzer served on the faculties of the University of South Dakota (Vermillion) and the University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls). In addition, he was a professor at Indian Hills Community College (Ottumwa, IA), and
taught at Clear Creek and LaSalle High Schools.

Dr. Kreitzer is a Past President of the Iowa Music Educators Association, a member of ACDA, MENC, ISTA, IBA, and a former board member of the IMEA. Among many musical involvements, Dr. Kreitzer was the Musical Director of the Metropolitan Chorale in Cedar Falls/Waterloo, IA, Musical Director of the Black Hills Playhouse, is the Chorus Master for Cedar Rapids Opera productions. Dr. Kreitzer directs the Chancel Choir of First Congregational Church in Cedar Rapids, and is a frequent guest conductor, clinician and adjudicator.

director Arranger Adjudicator

Johnston Showzam (Day Two) 2015
Cedar Rapids Washington Mo Show 2014
Medina Midwest Showcase 2014
Benton Touch of Class 2013
Mt. Pleasant Music In Motion Invitational 2013
Davenport North Big Dance 2013
Linn-Mar Supernova 2013
Show Choir Nationals 2012
Medina Midwest Showcase 2012
Mt. Pleasant Music In Motion Invitational 2012
Benton A Touch of Class 2010
Benton A Touch Of Class 1998

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