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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Allen Chapman

Allen Chapman
Allen Chapman has taught vocal music at every level, elementary through college, in a remarkable career spanning more than four decades. Allen's choirs appeared on twelve divisional and national MENC and ACDA convention programs. He and his late wife, Sandra, directed ten concert tours of Europe. His show choirs were competition finalists and champions across the Midwest and he was a co-founder of the Iowa Show Choir Camp.

Mr. Chapman was named of the Top 12 Music Educators in Iowa by MENC, he and Sandra were given the prestigious McCowen Award by ICDA, and Show Choir Nationals established the Allen and Sandra Chapman Excellence in Education Award which is presented annually during their competition at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. Most recently, Allen was recognized by the Iowa High School Music Association with the National Federation Award of Merit. The award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to music education at the local, state and national levels.

Professionally, Chapman has served on the IHSMA committee that founded the State Show Choir Competition, been the Iowa All-State Chorus Chair, and served for ten years as National ACDA Repertoire and Standards Chair. He continues to maintain an active schedule as director, clinician, and adjudicator nationwide.

director Adjudicator

Davenport North The Big Dance 2017
Millard West Music Lives 2017
Rock Bridge Show Choir Festival 2017
Viterbo 101 2017
McKendree University Midwest Nationals 2016
Westwood Jubilation 2016
Lewis Central Clash of the Titans (Day Two) 2016
North Iowa Area Community College Border Bash 2016
Davenport Great River Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2016
Davenport Great River Show Choir Invitational (Day One) 2016
Benton Touch of Class 2016
Davenport North The Big Dance 2016
Millard West Singsation 2016
Linn-Mar Supernova 2016
Urbandale Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2015
Urbandale Show Choir Invitational (Day One) 2015
Davenport North The Big Dance 2015
Millard West Singsation 2015
Rock Bridge Show Choir Festival 2015
Cedar Rapids Washington Mo Show 2014

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