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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Josh Greene

Josh Greene
Josh Greene is a graduate of the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami, where he won multiple Downbeat Awards as a composer, arranger, and performer with the school’s legendary Jazz Ensembles. Perhaps best known as the host of TLC’s 10 Years Younger and the Discovery Channel’s Rally Round the House, his Broadway credits include RENT, Rock of Ages, and the original workshop cast of Spring Awakening. In demand as a musician, vocal coach and producer, he’s worked closely with a variety of artists including Julie Taymor, Mark Shaiman, Adam Lambert, Martin Short, Amy Adams, Evan Rachel Wood, Ryan Gosling and many more.

In 2010, after 20+ years moonlighting as an arranger for award-winning choirs around the country, he began designing, writing and producing shows for Burbank and Los Alamitos High Schools in Southern California. Now widely regarded as two of the top groups in the nation, his creative direction has helped to reshape the landscape of Show Choir by focusing on innovative writing, exquisite production design, and compelling narratives. With multiple “Arranger of the Year” awards and more than 180 Grand Championships in the last decade alone, Josh is excited to finally share his catalog with the public.

Arranger Adjudicator

Illusion of Life


Daniel Hand High School
"VIBE" 2022
Introduction (Titles) / One

Danny Elfman, Harry Nilsson

Los Alamitos High School
"Sound FX" 2014
Irrational Anthem

Plain White T's

Los Alamitos High School
"Sound FX" 2012
Johnny B. Goode

Chuck Berry

Oak Mountain High School
"Singers" 2024

Major Parkinson

Los Alamitos High School
"Sound FX" 2024
Joyful / Good News

X Ambassadors, Mandisa

Los Alamitos High School
"Sound FX" 2019
Keep Breathing

Ingrid Michaelson

Chula Vista High School
"Main Attraction" 2009
Kids in America

Kim Wilde

Oak Mountain High School
"Singers" 2024
Kids in America

Kim Wilde

Fairfield Senior High School
"Choraliers" 2014

Onalaska High School
"Express" 2023
King of Pain / Natalie

The Police, Bruno Mars

Burbank High School
"In Sync" 2015
Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine

Eric Whitacre

Burbank High School
"In Sync" 2010

Bruce Hornsby

Burbank High School
"In Sync" 2011
Life and Death

The Dear Hunter

Burbank High School
"In Sync" 2015

Daniel Hand High School
"VIBE" 2022

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