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 Show Choir Community    Events    2025 Season    Glenwood The Event 2025

Event Info

February 28th -
March 1st, 2025

Venue Info
Glenwood High School
1501 E. Plummer Boulevard
Chatham, IL 62629
Phone: (217) 483-2424
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
14 Mixed Groups
7 Treble Groups
1 Bass Group
5 Middle School Groups
Event Hosts:
Glenwood "Titan Fever"
Glenwood "Titan Flame"
Event Judges:
Tori Brindis
Kaleigh Christ
Pete Eklund
Ben Eklund
Marty Lindvahl
Bill Mitchell
Aaron Zart
$15 Adults
$10 Students & Seniors

$20 Adults
$15 Students & Seniors

All Weekend Pass
$25 Adults
$20 Students & Seniors

Children under 5: Free
Glenwood The Event 2025

Event Site
Live Stream

Middle School Division

Sound System
Mt. Zion Junior High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Bass Soloist

Starlights & Dynamites
Road Show, Inc.
Second Place
Best Treble Soloist

Grand Paws
Manteno Middle School
Third Place
People's Choice

Vocal Velocity
Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio
4th Place

North Ridge Middle School
5th Place

Fantastic Falcons
Franklin Middle School
6th Place


The Classics
Wheaton Warrenville South High School
Grand Champion
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Band

Mt. Zion High School
First Runner Up

Spotlight Singers & Company
Brownsburg High School
Second Runner Up
Best Crew

Naperville North High School
3rd Runner Up
Best Treble Soloist (Meaghan Inglis)

Center Stage
Marquette High School
4th Runner Up

Single Clef Finals

Wheaton Warrenville South High School
Grand Champion
Best Choreography
Best Band

Starlight Voices
Brownsburg High School
First Runner Up
Best Vocals
Best Crew

Les Femmes
Mt. Zion High School
Second Runner Up
People's Choice

Mixed Division (Prelims) Show
Single Clef Division (Prelims) Show
Open Division

Bella Voce
Brownsburg High School
First Place
Best Vocals
Best Choreography
Best Crew

Class Act
Herscher High School
Second Place
Best Band

Peoria Area Performing Arts Studio
Third Place

Highland High School
4th Place

Pekin Community High School
5th Place

Attending Members displaying 6 of 31 members (view all)
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49 comments • Sort by

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Will. 23 hours ago
Post #49
Highlights of my day!

Nexus: Great show, especially with the fire alarm circumstances while y'all were setting up. Life In Color as the closer was a song choice that I really appreciated as a fan of older OneRepublic material. Was able to chat with some of your performers, parents, and directors and I thoroughly enjoyed it all. I know this isn't the result you all wanted, but your show was right up there with the top three.
Bella Voce: Probably the best-singing group of the day. It was a story show without being a story show. Once again, I am reminded that the hype around the big Indianapolis programs is derived from very real, very phenomenal shows on stage.
Jackson Academy: That show was so gutsy and resonated with me a ton. The opener was tiiiight. Willis Thigpen was absolutely the best performer I saw all day and is probably in my top three best performers I've seen this year. I hope I get to see you again sometime, somewhere in the future. Hardcore Encore!
Marquette: I've been dying to see a show of yours for a couple years now and this did not disappoint! Such a breath of fresh air to have a show that was simply singer/dancers, costumes, and band. No risers, boxes, props, or backdrops. And it was a fun show, and I heard you guys grew a lot since your first comp of the year. Super happy you guys made finals!


MikeMashburn Sunday at 10:55 AM
Post #44
I know the final awards were streamed, where can I find that video??

Jeff. Sunday at 11:11 AM
Post #45
Click the yellow "Live Stream" button in the menu above.


MikeMashburn Sunday at 11:16 AM
Post #46
I know where that is, but I don't see the awards


showchoirfan29372 Sunday at 11:39 AM
Post #47



MikeMashburn Sunday at 11:49 AM
Post #48
Thank you, I must have missed it on the end

stevesing85 Sunday at 10:49 AM
Post #43
Well, atleast i got the sigle clef results correct... still interesting about the mixed results..congratulations to all the groups coping and adjusting throughout the day!


showchoirfan29372 Sunday at 3:28 AM (Edited)
Post #42
Best Band- WWS Classics
Best Band Single Clef- WWS Esprit

Häakon Sunday at 2:20 AM
Post #41
Final results posted.

stevesing85 Saturday at 10:15 PM
Post #35
Instresting finalists... looking forward to the official results.

My predictions:
4th Runner-up: Marquette Center Stage
3rd Runner-up: Mt. Zion Swingsations
2nd Runner-up: Naperville North Entourage
1st Runner-up: Brownsburg Spotlight Singers & Company
Grand Champions: Wheaton Warrenville South Classic (bv, bc)

Single clef
2nd Runner-up: Mt. Zion Les Femme
1st Runner-up: Brownsburg Starlight Voices (BV)
Grand Champions: wheatob Warrenville South Esprit (BC)


moolk Sunday at 12:10 AM
Post #40
Agree. 3rd and 4th runner up might switch


Karm1200 Saturday at 10:45 PM
Post #36
Any idea the schedule for the mixed groups? Trying to see if I can stay up to watch my family member’s school

Jeff. Saturday at 11:01 PM
Post #38
It's been updated above.

jdcritt Saturday at 11:53 PM
Post #39
At least it's not much further behind that it was after the fire alarm this morning. As a Southerner, may I ask how that's even possible?


moolk Saturday at 1:16 PM
Post #27
Thank you to whomever is providing the streaming. I appreciate when schools can and also understand that not all are able to.


Karm1200 Saturday at 1:34 PM
Post #28
Agree! This is a good quality, free stream. Great job, Glenwood! Always a well run competition and a supportive SC community there.


mamabeas Saturday at 5:08 PM
Post #30
Well I feel grandsons group was 1st this morning and there was NO sound for the entire show.


Karm1200 Saturday at 5:16 PM
Post #31
Get what you pay for I guess. The stream is probably run by students or parent volunteers. They are doing their best. Again this is a free stream and things happen. They aren’t going to stop the competition because there is something wrong with the stream.


moolk Saturday at 10:50 PM
Post #37
Hopefully your family got a video or something. These streams are usually done by kids or volunteers. Hosting schools aren't required to stream, so it is a bonus if they find someone thats willingto do that for 16+ hours.

SWINGS.EP Saturday at 9:17 PM
Post #34
Small Mixed
4RU Pekin
3RU Highland
2RU Peoria
1RU Herscher
GC Brownsburg
Best Band - Herscher
Best Vocals - Brownsburg
Best Choreo - Brownsburg
Mixed Finalists
  1. Naperville North
  2. Wheaton South
  3. Marquette
  4. Brownsburg
  5. Mt. Zion

Best Band - Wheaton
Soloist Treble - Naperville North (Megan)
Soloist Bass - Jackson Academy (Jack Harrison)
Best Stage Crew - Brownsburg (all choirs)
People’s Choice - Mt. Zion Le Femme

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