While I am not 100 percent certain, I believe only Open groups are eligible for finals. I think that's why Millard West Uptown competed in Open last season.
Oh wow Will...I've never heard of that type of comp before...thanks for filling me in. To clarify, does that mean only the 9 teams in the Mixed division are eligible for finals?
MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHEDULE (if the weather cooperates!)
5:10 pm - Exhibition - Marrs “Viva Vivace”
5:30 pm - Lewis and Clark MS “Discovery” - Division II
5:50 pm - Kiewit MS “Dynamic” - - Division II
6:10 pm - Millard North MS “Cavallo” – Division II
6:30 pm - Westside MS “Treble Express” - Division II
15 Minute Break
7:05 pm - Beadle MS “Encore” - Division II
7:25 pm - Ralston MS “Riot” - Division II
7:45 pm - Elkhorn Grandview MS “Grand Marquis”- Division I
8:05 pm - Papillion MS “Reflections” - Division I .
15 Minute Break
8:45 pm - Kiewit MS “First Edition” – Division I
9:00 pm - Millard North MS “Stampede” – Division I
9:20 pm - Westside MS “Westside Connection”– Division I
9:40 pm - Beadle MS “Show Dogs” – Division I
Keller, Texas is super excited to be in Omaha this weekend. Does anyone know how the live streaming will work for those of us unable to be there in person?
Hey JB! We are super excited Keller is coming up! We had Ft. Worth Southwest Effect at a recent comp and it made it SO MUCH FUN! For livestream, typically, the main homepage of showchoir.com will feature all the live streams starting Friday. So I'd say check back then.
Probably only because they're an unfamiliar group to most folks making predictions. I have a feeling folks will remember them after this weekend though.
Tier 1
Grand Champion - Westide Westside Connection
*Best Visuals
1st Runner-Up - Ellkhorn Grandview Grand Marquee
*Best Vocals
*Outstanding Ballad
2nd Runner-Up - Beadle Show Dogs
Other Caption Awards
Kiewit First Edition
*People's Choice
*Outstanding Opener
*Outstanding Ballad
Papilllion Reflections
*Outstanding Soloist - Asher Hassett
Tier 2
Grand Champion - Beadle Encore
1st Runner-Up - Kiewitt Dynamic
2nd Runner-Up - Westside Treble Express
*Outstanding Soloist - Stella Boulos