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 Show Choir Community    Events    2025 Season    Hastings Swingin' On The River 2025
Event Info

February 22nd, 2025
Venue Info
Hastings High School
200 General Sieben Drive
Hastings, MN 55033
Phone: (651) 480-0205
Event Details
Number of Attending Choirs:
11 Mixed Groups
7 Treble Groups
Event Hosts:
Hastings "Riverside Company"
Hastings "Dynamic Edition"
Event Judges:
Steven Albaugh
Shane Coe
Eric J. Hayes, Jr.
Ellie Jordan
Jennifer Randall
Lin Warren
$20 Full Day
$10 Finals Only

Credit/Cash, Tickets at Door, No Advance Sales
Hastings Swingin' On The River 2025

Event Site
Live Stream
Your Prediction
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6/6 Correct Groups
6/6 Placements Matched
2/2 Captions Matched
100 Bonus Points

Prediction made February 18 at 12:31 pm

Top Scores
SLSchweitzer RMS
Placements Matched 174 Participants
Attending Members displaying 6 of 58 members (view all)
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13 comments • Sort by

Chris L-P on Feb 22, 2025, 8:22 PM (Edited)
Post #7
Since my commentary on a competition last week (Urbandale) was well-received, I figured I’d do a similar thing for this one! I arrived just in time for Jive at 10:45 and stayed through the remainder of daytime.
These are just some positive things that I thought were memorable about each group. If I don’t mention something, that doesn’t necessarily mean it was lacking, it may have simply met my expectations or I didn’t want to restate an artistic decision that I liked with a previous group.
“Favorite” is just what I liked most, not who I think should get the most points from the judges using common scoring criteria
Anyhow, congrats to everybody involved on your hard work coming to fruition, and here’s my commentary!

Jive (theme: school’s out, summer, then back-to-school)
  • Soloist mics balanced very well
  • Good choral sound
  • Trumpeter has great tone
  • I never had a moment in the show where I thought “please do something with the dynamics other than bumping the volume knob” so good job on that!

Swing Cats (theme: words can hurt, but they can also heal)
  • Thank you for explaining the theme at the start
  • Y’all got the feel of the 5/4 time very well in the opener
  • At first, I thought the wall props needed some graffiti but I figured that might change (e.g. flipping the props around). Turned out the change was even cooler than that (I won’t spoil it for anybody)
  • Very good soloists, I could tell y’all put work into finessing every single consonant and vowel and it turned out great!
  • Loved the brass in the dance break before the ballad

Titan Express (theme: I’m not sure, but I’m not good at picking out lyrics and the set was fun and all the songs went together so no complaints here!)
  • Favorite choreo in the first dance break
  • Second song is a banger
  • Nice earrings! Also the second tuxes were pretty cool
  • Favorite performer: whoever was in front center in second-to-last song

Celebration Co (theme: meta show about show choir at a competition)
  • “5 to 5” instead of “9 to 5” lol
  • Costumes were great throughout
  • Band has good blend
  • Favorite soloist in ballad
  • Favorite chord shortly before “so when heartache….” in the ballad
  • Set contained several well-executed dynamic drops and subsequent buildups
  • I like how the band brought back something from earlier in the show instead of simply playing their previous section again

Midwest Express (theme: ghost in the graveyard; “Are You Afraid of the Dark?”)
  • Blasty trombone is not everybody’s cup of tea, but is certainly mine, good job
  • Literally got goosebumps after “you can literally hear their cries” before the ballad. Also at other points in the ballad. So it’s been my favorite ballad so far, and the lighting effects are simple yet powerful, I felt really engaged with this show!
  • Favorite dance break in song after ballad
  • Definitely the most impactful show to me

Vocalmotive (theme: masquerade prom; “remove the mask and see your authentic self”)
  • I like the use of the string synth to fill up the upper frequencies, and the super low piano at start of ballad to fill out the lower ones
  • Favorite choreo in the closer
  • The masks were cool and it only occurred to me how weird it was to not be able to see the faces of performers for half the set; I still liked the variety this gave to the event overall and gave me something deeper to think about

Jefferson Connection (theme: True North; finding affinity with our region)
  • Favorite set
  • Nice dance break after opener
  • Favorite acting in “lost in the woods”
  • Final costumes go so well with the set
  • Favorite chord at end of ballad
  • Liked how quieter sections were arranged throughout this show

West In the Groove (theme: sunrise to sunset, with a few stops along the way)
  • Thank you for explaining the show this time! I saw you guys last week and now I know exactly what it is
  • I like it when bands play something before the choir starts, great work!
  • loved the first crescendo and chord change
  • Idiomatic soloists, I like the variety of styles
  • Body percussion was pretty tight!
  • Second song was very groovy
  • Clarinet solo was excellent and very well-crafted; there was a nice call and response with the band, and hitting the high note at the end was the icing-on-the-cake!
  • Liked how ballad was second-to-last instead of in the middle; this makes the closer seem more like an actual closer instead of an afterthought and I wish more show choirs did this
  • Favorite ballad
  • Favorite performer is guy in front center during opener

Silver Connection (theme: road trip)
  • nice drum groove in first dance breaks (ride bell for the win!)
  • Good transition to ballad
  • Liked the acappella section at end of ballad, wish I heard show choirs used textures like this more often
  • GLISSANDO from trombone was quite nice
  • Accelerando into last number was great!!
  • Hit ‘em with the turbo is my earworm so far
  • Favorite arranging so far

Titanium (theme: no idea, I have a good ear for notes and rhythm but not for lyrics; it was a fun show and nothing seemed really out-of-place)
  • love the first outfits, quite striking
  • stunning choral stuff at the beginning
  • Interesting boomy bass stuff
  • Favorite choreo in second song
  • Great dancing soloists in ballad
  • Favorite performer: backflipper

Amazing Technicolor Show Choir (theme: don’t give up, because the future starts now?)
  • Snappy choreo throughout, my favorite of the night overall thus far
  • Favorite performer: baritone soloist in second song
  • 2-3 resolved suspension at the end of ballad was lovely
  • Soloist combo was great
  • Pretty good band
  • Banger of a dance break within “future starts now”
  • Favorite chord is the dissonant “now” right before the first applause in the closer (if it’s not supposed to be dissonant, I’m so sorry, it still sounded really cool, I promise!)

Rhythm In Gold (theme: “Diamond of the Season” involving Victorian-era courtship)
  • Band is also dressed in 18th-century garb
  • Favorite acting is the writer at beginning; was some other great stuff throughout the show
  • Meticulous costumes and set

I’ll recap my favorites once I get home, I had a lot of them


Chris L-P on Feb 22, 2025, 10:23 PM
Post #11
My overall favorites:
- Show Choir: Midwest Express
- Choreography: Amazing Technicolor Show Choir
- Choir sound: Titanium
- Band sound: West In the Groove
- Costumes: Titanium
- Lighting: Midwest Express
- Set: Jefferson Connection
- Soloists: from Swing Cats, Celebration Co, Titanium, Amazing Technicolor Show Choir
- Performers: from Titan Express, also West In the Groove, Titanium, Amazing Technicolor Show Choir
- Acting: Jefferson Connection, Rhythm In Gold
- Arranging: Celebration Co, Jefferson Connection, Silver Connection
- Ballad: Midwest Express,
- Chord: Celebration Co, Jefferson Connection, Amazing Technicolor Show Choir
- Earworm: Silver Connection
- Headbanging: Amazing Technicolor Show Choir, Titan Express
- Moshing Moment: unfortunately none :-(
- Theme: Celebration Co


cduff on Feb 23, 2025, 3:22 AM
Post #13
The three NE groups were all great -- so fun to watch.


QuinnM on Feb 23, 2025, 1:21 AM
Post #12
Hastings Final Results:
Best Vocals: ATSC
Best Choreo: WIG
6: Vocalmotive
5: Jefferson Connection
4: RIG
3: Titanium
1: WIG

Cassc on Feb 22, 2025, 9:17 PM
Post #10
WIG got best band in daytimes!

bethieboo102 on Feb 22, 2025, 9:00 PM (Edited)
Post #9
Finalists performance order start at 7:30 on the half hour awards scheduled for 11:
Bemidji Vocalmotive
Jefferson Connection
Kennedy Rhythm in Gold
Papillion La vista South Titanium
Millard West in the Groove
Westside ATSC


QuinnM on Feb 22, 2025, 8:44 PM
Post #8
Hastings Daytimes:
3: Titan Radiance
2: Simply Irrisistible
1: Uptown

2: Titan Express
1: Swing Cats

Best Vocals Prep/Treble: Swing Cats
Best Choreo Prep/Treble: Swing Cats
Best Band Prep/Treble: Swing Cats

Best soloist: Uptown Jennavee Latko
Best soloist: RIG Indigo Gabriel
People’s choice: Holmen Midwest Express
Best crew: Holmen Midwest Express
Best Band: West In The Groove

Finalists Random Order:
1: Westside ATSC
2: RIG
3: Titanium
4: WIG
5: Vocalmotive
6: Jefferson Connection


AMAM on Feb 21, 2025, 7:39 PM
Post #5
Will there be a live stream?

Jeff. on Feb 21, 2025, 8:02 PM
Post #6
Hastings posted that there will not be a live stream.

SLSchweitzer RMS on Feb 17, 2025, 12:28 PM
Post #3
This should be a fun competition! Some titans from Omaha clash with quality Minnesota groups!


Ahava1 on Feb 20, 2025, 6:03 PM (Edited)
Post #4
Not sure if I would completely sleep on the WI teams. Both have really strong shows and both choirs are at the end of their seasons and have several comps under their belts!

Will. on Jan 23, 2025, 9:44 PM
Post #2
Schedule is posted.

5:45 - Dynamic Edition exhibition, prelim awards following
7:00 - finals begin (six choirs, only varsity groups are eligible)
approx. 10:00 - Riverside Company exhibition, final awards following

Quinn_Kiefer on Dec 25, 2024, 12:39 AM
Post #1
Ellie Jordan
Shane Coe
Lin Warren
Jeb Randall
Steven Albaugh
Eric Hayes Jr.


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