One more quick update for Friday evening -- the event now starts at 6:30 instead of 6:00.
6:30 - Loveland MS Revolution
7:00 - South Dearborn MS Showcase
7:30 - West Jessamine MS Crescendo
8:15 - Bunsold MS Mini Swingers
8:45 - Owen Valley MS Valley Beat
9:15 - Fairfield MS Rhythm Express
9:45 - Ross MS Next Generation (EXHIBITION)
Friday February 21 - MS Division
18:00 - Loveland MS Revolution
18:30 - South Dearborn MS Showcase
19:00 - West Jessamine MS Crescendo
19:30 - Bunsold MS Mini Swingers
20:15 - Owen Valley MS Valley Beat
20:45 - River Valley/Crestview MS RC Singers
21:15 - Fairfield MS Rhythm Express
21:45 - Ross MS Next Generation (EXHIBITION)
Saturday February 22 -
09:30 - Anderson Prep The Connection - Small Mixed
10:00 - West Jessamine HS Dually Noted - Small Mixed
10:30 - Owen Valley HS Soundwaves - Small Mixed
11:00 - Norwood HS The Silhouettes - Small Mixed
11:30 - South Dearborn HS Opening Knight - Small Mixed
13:00 - Middletown HS Purple Pizzazz - Single Gender
13:30 - Marysville HS Swingers Select - Single Gender
14:00 - Fairfield HS Pure Elegance - Single Gender
14:30 - Loveland HS Allure - Single Gender
15:15 - Marysville HS Swingers Unlimited - Large Mixed
15:45 - Fairfield HS Choraliers - Large Mixed
16:15 - Loveland HS By Request - Large Mixed
Prelim Awards following
19:00 - Finalist 1
19:30 - Finalist 2
20:00 - Finalist 3
20:30 - Finalist 4
21:00 - Finalist 5
21:30 - Ross HS Legacy (EXHIBITION)
Final Awards following