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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Michelle Chaplin

Michelle Chaplin
Michelle taught vocal music for 23 years in Iowa, retiring from teaching in 2019. Michelle is a graduate of Trinity International University in Chicago, with a degree in Vocal and Instrumental Music Education. She began her teaching career in elementary music in West Des Moines from 1994-1995, and then was the vocal music director at Center Point-Urbana High School from 1995-2001. From 2003-2019, Michelle was the Director of Vocal Music at Pella Community High School, where she directed the varsity and prep show choirs (AcaPella, Bravo and Dutch Divas), while also directing Advanced Choir, Select Choir, two Concert Choirs, the musicals, Chamber Choir and Madrigal Singers each year. Under her direction, over 60 Pella students were selected for the Iowa All-State Chorus, and her show choirs won dozens of Grand Championships at competitions across Iowa, over 100 caption awards, and were able to experience performance tours to Florida, New York City, Toronto and multiple performances on Caribbean cruises. Michelle lives in Pella with her husband, Wes, where they have raised three children (Nathan, Noah and Courtney), all of whom were heavily involved in vocal music and show choir during their time in high school. Since retiring from teaching in the school system, Michelle stays busy giving private voice and piano lessons in her studio, serving as a clinician and judge for high school show choir competitions, working in a local women’s clothing boutique, organizing events for the downtown Pella historic district merchants, serving as a deaconess in her church, and preparing for her dream job (to begin in March 2022) as Mimi to her first grandchild.

director Adjudicator

Pella High School (IA)

   AcaPella 2004-2019
   Bravo 2015-2019
   Dutch Divas 2006-2014


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