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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Ann Johnson

Ann Johnson
Ann Johnson received her Bachelor of Vocal Music Education (B.M.E.) from Ohio Wesleyan University and Master of Music Education (M.M.) and Kodaly Certification from The Kodaly Institute at Capital University. Her career has spanned many facets in and out of the classroom. She is an adjudicator for the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) and on the Ohio Choral Directors Association (OCDA) Board as the chair of the OCDA High School Men's and Women's Honor Choirs.

The choirs and show choirs under the direction of Ms. Johnson have consistently received "Superior" ratings at regional and state level OMEA Adjudicated events and show choir competitions. Ann has served as a presider for the OMEA Professional Development Conference and served as a rehearsal conductor for the All-State Choir for multiple years. In 2009, Ms. Johnson was the Vocal Director for the Ohio Educational Theatre Associations (OEdTA) State Production of "All Shook Up" which she traveled to the International Thespian Festival in Lincoln, Nebraska. Ms. Johnson enjoys serving as a substitute conductor for the Columbus Children's Chorus working directly with the Artistic Director, Jeanne Wohlgamuth. She also spent a summer in a choral conductors seminar at the Juilliard School in New York City. Ms. Johnson enjoys performing roles in musicals around Columbus, training in dance in NYC and Columbus, especially tap dance! She has choreographed for numerous organization around Central Ohio throughout the years.

director choreographer Adjudicator

Grove City High School (OH)

   Touch of Class 2020-2025
   Class Act 2022-2025
Buckeye Valley High School (OH)

   Visions 2010


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