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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Dwight Jordan

Dwight Jordan
Dwight Jordan is co-founder and co-director of Showchoir Camps of America, Inc., a national summer workshop for young singers/dancers and directors. He also completes stage productions for major American theme parks. A music education graduate of Millikin University, he has gone on to receive national awards for musical and artistic excellence.

Dwight is a former band teacher and the Swingsations Combo Director. He lives in the Chicago area with his wife and family.

choreographer Adjudicator

Chula Vista SoCal Performance Show Choir Invitational (Day Two) 2011
Chula Vista SoCal Performance Show Choir Invitational (Day One) 2011
Onalaska Show Choir Classic 2006
Onalaska Show Choir Classic 2001
Onalaska Show Choir Classic 2000 (clinician)
Onalaska Show Choir Classic 1993
Onalaska Show Choir Classic 1992
Onalaska Show Choir Classic 1991
Onalaska Show Choir Classic 1990
UW-La Crosse Winterfest 1982


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