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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Charles Woodward

Charles Woodward
Mr. Charlie Woodward is the director of Brandon High School's BRIO (Show Choir), BRAVO (Mixed Concert Choir), Girls' Choir, and the assistant director of Brandon Middle School BLITZ (Show Choir). Mr. Woodward also teaches Dual-Credit (Hinds CC) Music Appreciation. Mr. Woodward is a Graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi where he received a Bachelors and a Masters Degree in Music Education with an emphasis in Choral/Vocal. In addition, Mr. Woodward is a National Board Certified Teacher. Mr. Woodward has participated in numerous performing groups and musicals. Mr. Woodward is the Worship Leader at Eastside Baptist Church in Pearl, MS.


Brandon High School (MS)

   Brio 2012-2025
   Bellas 2018-2025
Brandon Middle School (MS)

   Blitz 2010-2025
   Brio 2011
   Boom 2025


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