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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Brian Adcock

Brian Adcock
Brian Adcock is the Chair of the Department of Performing Arts and the
Director of Choral Music at Castle High School in Newburgh, Indiana, where he is
currently teaching in his 20th academic year. He is responsible for a mixed
concert choir as well as two competitive top-tier show choirs, the Knightingales
(women’s group) and Knight Sensations (mixed group) which are active in the
community and around the state. Additionally, Mr. Adcock oversees the
piano/keyboard lab program in the music technology division, and serves as Vocal
Music Director and Co-Producer of the school’s annual musical theatre

Mr. Adcock is now teaching at his high school alma mater, Castle, where he
graduated in 1991. He earned the Bachelor of Music Education degree from the
University of Evansville in 1995 and the Master of Education degree in secondary
school administration from Indiana State University in 2001. He holds professional
affiliations with the National Education Association, National Association for
Music Education, American Choral Directors Association, and Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia professional music fraternity. He was inducted into Who’s Who Among
Students in American Universities and Colleges and has been inducted three
times into Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers after being nominated by his
student alumni. He was also elected into The Global Who’s Who honoring
America’s executives and professionals.

Mr. Adcock is active in the Indiana State School Music Association, where he
serves on the state show choir committee and completed a 3-year term on the
state Board of Directors. He regularly serves as an adjudicator for their small and
large group contests. Additionally, he serves as Assistant Coordinator for the
Indiana All-State High School Honor Choir. Mr. Adcock also holds the position as
the Director of Music & Worship Ministries at New Life Church in Evansville.


Castle High School (IN)

   Knight Sensations 1998-2025
   Knightingales 1999-2025


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