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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Kathrine Kouns

Kathrine Kouns
Kathrine Kouns moved to Indiana from Arizona in 2013, and has loved becoming a “Hoosier” here in the beautiful Midwest. Kathrine received her undergraduate degree in Choral Music Education from Arizona State University, and her Masters Degree from Northern Arizona University. She spent four years as the choral director at Desert Canyon Middle School in Scottsdale, Arizona and thirteen years as the head choral director at Horizon High School. Her groups have won numerous awards and have performed all over the world. She has directed a variety of honor choirs, has adjudicated many festivals and competitions, and has served for many years as the ACDA Repertoire & Standards Chair of Show Choirs for the Western Division, and for the state of Arizona. Kathrine is an accomplished private vocal instructor and performer, and was a member of Phoenix Vocal Jazz for seven years. She has also recorded various advertising jingles, choral demos, and movie soundtracks, and is a regular soloist in the community. In 2013, Kathrine was honored to be named by the Grammy Foundation as one of America’s Top Ten Music Educators. Although music is her passion, her true loves are her husband John, and her two beautiful daughters, Charlotte and Lydia.

director Adjudicator

Twinsburg Northcoast Invitational 2025
Edgewood Contest Of Champions 2024
Findlay FEst 2020
Shelbyville Singing Sensational 2019
Findlay FEst 2019
Findlay FEst 2018
Olentangy Keynote Classic 2017
Marysville Showcase 2016
FAME Show Choir National Finals 2015
Ada Music Feast 2014
Wapakoneta Music & More 2014
Solon Show Choir Invitational 2014
Marysville Snowcase 2014
New Mexico State Show Choir Competition 2012


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