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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt
Christopher D. Pratt is a 1995 graduate of Center Grove High School. He obtained a BS in Music Education (2000) from Ball State University and a MS in Educational Leadership (2011) from Indiana University.

During college Chris spent three years performing with Millikin University’s Singing Blue; was President for two years and organized Millikin’s Big Blue Show Choir Invitational. At Ball State he spent a year performing with Indiana’s Official Goodwill Ambassadors, The Ball State University Singers. In addition, Chris was also employed in Ball State’s Office of Admissions where he worked in University Relations.

Before coming to Grosse Pointe South, Mr. Pratt was Director of Choirs at Center Grove High School in Greenwood, IN. At Center Grove he directed five of the nine choirs, including the award-winning show choir CG Sound System and chamber choir, CG Singers. CG Sound System has been named Grand Champion Show Choir at SHOWSTOPPERS Show Choir Invitational and FAME Show Choir Invitational in New York City, Branson, Chicago and Orlando.

In addition, CG Sound System was recognized by Indiana’s Governor for their outstanding achievements at the Regional and National competitions. Collectively, his choirs have won over 120 Grand Champion awards. As a first year teacher, Mr. Pratt was a proud recipient of Danville District 118 (IL), David L. Fields Outstanding Teacher of the Year.

With a foundation in choral music and choreography, Chris has also worked extensively with choirs and students throughout Indiana, Illinois and Michigan.

director choreographer Adjudicator

Watseka Community High School (IL)

   Sensations 2004-2006
Center Grove High School (IN)

   Debtones 1998-2002
   Surround Sound 2005
Danville High School (IL)

   Delegation 2001


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