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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Sam Chenoweth

Sam Chenoweth
Sam Chenoweth is very excited for his role as Associate Director of Choirs, where his duties include directing/co-directing five curricular choirs, leading two musical theater courses, and directing the musical. In addition, Sam is a freelance show choir choreographer, clinician and adjudicator throughout the midwest. A graduate of Fairfield High School and alumni of the show choir program there, he recently graduated cum laude from Ball State University, receiving a Bachelor of Science in Music Education. During his time at Ball State, he served as Production Assistant/Choreographer for the internationally recognized “Ball State University Singers” collegiate show choir, Music Director of “The Prism Project,” an arts program for secondary students with autism, and President of the BSU Chapter of ACDA. Finishing his collegiate career, Sam was named a Presser Scholar in the spring of 2016 and student taught at Center Grove High School under Mrs. Jennifer Dice. In addition to his collegiate work, Sam has choreographed for more than a dozen competitive high school, junior high and unisex groups across the Midwest, most notably leading the Fairfield show choir program. His responsibilities with Fairfield included choreographing, designing and directing all three competitive ensembles; his groups continually receive awards in competition for Best Choreography, Best Vocals, Best Show Design, and also Grand Champion honors. Sam works with many groups throughout the year as a guest clinician and adjudicator and also enjoys spending time in the summer as a counselor for Showchoir Camps of America in Decatur, IL and Tiffin, OH. In his time away from show choir, he has worked as a Vocal Music Instructor for The Children’s Theater of Cincinnati and Music Director or Choreographer for several school and community theatrical productions.

director choreographer Adjudicator

Zionsville High School (IN)

   Royalaires 2020-2025
   Choralaires 2020-2025
Carmel High School (IN)

   New Edition 2018-2019
Fairfield Middle School (OH)

   Rhythm Express 2017
Fairfield Senior High School (OH)

   Choraliers 2017
   Pure Elegance 2017


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