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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Katie Schramm

Katie Schramm
Katie Schramm is a choral music educator currently based in Morgantown, WV. Katie taught for ten years in Berkeley County, WV and has served as the WV All-State Choir Chairperson, regional WVVMA chair, the Tri-M chairperson, and is currently a member of both the WVMEA and WVACDA executive boards as the co-chair of honor ensembles and the R&S chair of treble music, respectively. Formerly the fine arts department chair and choral director at Martinsburg High School, Katie led the Good Times Show Choir to the most grand championships in a single season in the over 40 year history of the program.

Katie's choirs have won grand championships in West Virginia, Ohio, and Virginia, and have competed at Show Choir Nationals in Nashville and FAME Nationals in Chicago. In addition to numerous grand championships, Katie's shows are known for innovative design, creative storytelling, and sophisticated vocal sound. Katie founded both the two-time state honor ensemble The Choraliers and the treble show choir Glitz. Katie is now teaching choral methods, voice class, and supervising student teachers among other duties while pursuing her Master’s in Music Education at West Virginia University.

director Adjudicator

Martinsburg High School (WV)

   Good Times 2014-2022
   GLITZ 2022
Martinsburg North Middle School (WV)

   Northern Lights 2013


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