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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Michael Hummel

Michael Hummel
Michael Hummel is the Director of Choirs at Franklin Community high school. Michael’s current responsibilities include directing six choirs. In addition Michael is the head musical theater director. Originally from Washington State, Michael earned his Bachelor of Science degree in K-12 Vocal and Instrumental Music Education from Bob Jones University in 1997 and in 2009 received his Master of Music Education degree from Anderson University. Michael was appointed to the ISSMA Concert Organization board in 2009 and in July, 2011 was appointed to be the Indiana State Choral Directors Repertoire and Standards Chair for all High School Choirs in the state of Indiana. In 2015 Michael was voted to be the one of 8 choral teachers to represent the Indiana Choral Director’s Association as a district area representative for the state of Indiana. In 2016 Michael was awarded as Indiana’s High School Music Educator of the Year. In addition Michael been chosen as a quarterfinalist for the 2017 GRAMMY’s Music Educator Award.

Before coming to Indiana, Michael was a music educator in South Carolina and Michigan, where his groups received numerous awards and recognitions. Since coming to Franklin Indiana in 2012, his groups have garnered 15 Grand Champion awards throughout the United States. For 11 consecutive years, his groups have been represented at the Indiana State School Music Association’s State Choir Finals, which showcase the top eight treble / men’s choirs, and the top sixteen mixed choirs in the state each time receiving Group I Gold “With Distinction ratings and honors. Twice his choirs have placed in the top three, and in 2010 & 2014, his groups were named STATE RUNNER-UP. Overall his groups have placed in the top 5 of all concert choirs in the state 7 times. His groups have worked closely with choirs and directors from over 20 colleges and university throughout the United States. This past April Michael conducted students from Franklin in their NYC debut on the stage of Carnegie Hall. Michael is also the founder and director of Franklin Community’s Summer Choral and Vocal Arts Music Camp.

Michael and his wife Lissa reside in Greenwood with their four children Nathan, Audrey, Marci, and Logan.


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Franklin Community High School (IN)

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