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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Sterling Finkbine

Sterling Finkbine
Mr. Sterling Finkbine currently serves as the Director of Choral Activities for the Ross Local School District in Ross, Ohio. His duties at Ross include 5 curricular choirs at both the middle and high school, and 1 extra curricular competitive show choir, "Legacy." In addition, he also serves as the Musical Director and Producer for Ross High School’s Drama Program.

Prior to his position at Ross, he spent time as the Assistant Director/Combo Director for Hamilton High School’s show choir, Rhapsody In Blue. Sterling has also been seen throughout the Tri-State area serving as music director for many local theaters. In 2013, he was selected to tour as a clinician and performer throughout Europe in countries such as Germany, Belgium, and France. As an active clinician, he has worked with several competitive show choirs.

In addition, he is an active member of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), National Association for Music Educators (NAfME), and the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA). Sterling holds a Bachelor of Music Education from Wright State University.

director Adjudicator

Ross High School (OH)

   Legacy 2014-2023
Ross Middle School (OH)

   Next Generation 2019-2021
Fairfield Senior High School (OH)

   Choraliers 2020
   Pure Elegance 2020
   FortissiBROS 2020
Hamilton High School (OH)

   Rhapsody In Blue 2011


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