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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Samantha Costa

Samantha Costa
Samantha began her teaching career at Alice Buffett Magnet Middle School in Omaha, NE, where she taught 5th and 6th grade General Music, 7th and 8th grade Choruses, & directed the 7-8 Swing Choir. She commuted to Buffett and worked there for 6 years prior to coming to Bishop Neumann. She is currently in her 3rd year teaching at Neumann, and teaches all 7-12 Choirs, Music Theory/History, assists with Band, and also teaches the 7th grade Computer Keyboarding class. In addition, she co-directs all the musical productions, spring plays, and fall one-act plays. Outside of her Neumann job, for the past 9 years, she has directed a Children’s K-5 Church Choir in Lincoln, NE, where she also performs on a regular basis either singing or playing trombone.

Samantha is the daughter of a Bishop Neumann alumni and grew up right here in Saunders County.


Lincoln Southwest High School (NE)

   Resonance 2025
   Emergence 2025
Bishop Neumann High School (NE)

   Scarlet Knights 2015-2024


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