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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Jarad Voss

Jarad Voss
Jarad Voss currently lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he is now a freelance choreographer and performer specializing in hip-hop and urban jazz styles.

A former dance captain for the Wisconsin Singers and Six Flags Great America Chicago, Jarad has worked on different festivals, musicals, and industrials including Miller Genuine Draft, Rayovac, and the Green Bay Packers’ Pro Shop.

A clinician and choreographer at Show Choir Camps of America, Show Choir Camp Europe, Mt. Shasta and the Southern Experience, Jarad clinics and choreographs many show choirs and dance troupes throughout the nation.

choreographer Adjudicator

Enterprise High School (AL)

   Encores 2025
   Esprit 2025
Loveland High School (OH)

   By Request 2008-2025
   Allure 2015-2022
Millard North High School (NE)

   Infinity 2023-2025
Noblesville High School (IN)

   NHS Singers 2018-2025
   New Dimension 2019
Onalaska High School (WI)

   Hilltoppers 2010-2025
   Express 2010-2025
Papillion-La Vista South High School (NE)

   Titanium 2018-2025
   Titan Express 2018-2025
   Titan Radiance 2025
Plainfield High School (IN)

   Belles et Beaux 2022-2025
   Femmes Fatales 2023-2025
   Nouvelles 2022-2024
Waltham High School (MA)

   Music Unlimited 2014-2025
Waukee High School (IA)

   Millennium 2016-2025
   Spirit 2022-2025
Danville High School (IL)

   Delegation 2019-2023
   Executives 2022
Lafayette Jefferson High School (IN)

   First Edition 2022-2023
Loveland Middle School (OH)

   Revolution 2010-2023
Pike High School (IN)

   Encores 2005-2023
   Mystiques 2007-2009
Ross High School (OH)

   Legacy 2020-2023
Solon High School (OH)

   Music in Motion 2017-2023
Ben Davis High School (IN)

   Premiers 2009-2022
   Sounds 2014-2020
Avon High School (IN)

   Accents 2021
Edgewood High School (IN)

   Music Warehouse 2014-2021
   Sophisticated Ladies 2015-2021
Franklin Central High School (IN)

   F.C. Singers 2009-2021
   High Voltage 2007-2021
   Encores 2018-2021
Sullivan High School (IL)

   Singers 2012-2021
South Windsor High School (CT)

   Choral Spectrum 2018-2020
Whiteland Community High School (IN)

   Rhythm Masters 2018-2020
   Expressions 2019-2020
Xavier High School (IA)

   Xhilaration 2008-2020
North Central High School (IN)

   Counterpoints 2017-2019
   Descants 2017-2019
Valley High School (IA)

   Choralation 2013-2017
   Ignition 2013-2017
Brownsburg High School (IN)

   Spotlight Singers & Company 2015-2016
   Dog Pound 2016
Crete-Monee High School (IL)

   Cavaliers 2016
South Jones Jr/Sr High School (MS)

   Company 2016
   New Edition 2016
Beavercreek High School (OH)

   Friends 2014
Iowa City High School (IA)

   4th Avenue Jazz Company 2011-2013
Bloomington Kennedy High School (MN)

   Rhythm in Gold 2008-2012
   East Side Swingers 2008-2012
Amherst County High School (VA)

   Amherechos 2010
Davenport West High School (IA)

   West Connection 2010
Fort Atkinson High School (WI)

   South High Street Singers 2010
   Lexington Singers 2005
Westwood Jr/Sr High School (IA)

   Rebelaires 2005-2010
Cedar Rapids Washington High School (IA)

   Momentum 2009
Neenah High School (WI)

   Vintage 2006-2009
Prospect High School (IL)

   Mixed Company 2008
Columbia City High School (IN)

   City Heat 2005-2007
   City Lights 2005-2007
Bishop Heelan Catholic School (IA)

   Harmonia Mundi 2005-2006
Brodhead High School (WI)

   Guys and Dolls 2006
Mundelein High School (IL)

   Sound 2006
   Lights 2007
   Sound FX 2006-2007
Dwight D. Eisenhower High School (IL)

   Eisenhower Express 2005
Menasha High School (WI)

   Blue Persuasion 2005


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