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  Show Choir Community    Personnel    Shanna Luckett

Shanna Luckett
Shanna Luckett is Director of Choirs at Petal High School in Petal, MS. As the director of the award winning Petal Soudsations Mixed Show Choir, the Petal Innovations Women's Show Choir, and the Petal Men's Choir. She has reestablished the program winning many Grand Champion awards, as well as Best Vocals, Best Visuals, and Overall Show Design captions. Petal was also the recipient of the Fame Award for several consecutive years at the Fame Show Choir Competition in Orlando, Chicago regional, and Chicago Nationals.

Mrs. Luckett graduated from Clinton High School where she was a member of the Attache' Show Choir and the Clinton High School Color Guard for the Marching Band and Concert Bands. She received her Bachelor's and Master's of Music Education: Vocal emphasis at the University of Southern Mississippi. She is married to her amazing husband, Jason, and they have one handsome son, Caleb.

director Adjudicator

Petal High School (MS)

   Soundsations 2011-2025
   Innovations 2016-2025
Pascagoula High School (MS)

   Impact 2006-2010


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